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Posted on Jul 28, 2018

Three Ways to Make Sure Your Brand is Meeting Expectations

By George Collado
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You Can Improve Brand Performance By Using Analytics to Understand Customer Expectations and Preferences.

In today’s competitive market, presenting a quality product at an affordable price is no longer enough to create loyal customers. It’s as easy as a Google search to find your competitors and consumers today are driven by frequently fluctuating trends. In order to perform well, brands need to need to understand customers’ needs, preferences, and expectations. Through analytics, you can identify needs and gain a better understanding of the modern consumer.

Use the Right Channels

Interactions and transactions are no longer just taking place in store and over the phone anymore. In the age of instant gratification, chances are that customers are not happy submitting an email inquiry from their desktop computer and waiting 48 business hours for a reply. They want information fast or they’ll turn to the competitors who answer their questions immediately. So, how do you keep brand performance strong? You utilize the proper channels like live chats, apps, and social media in addition to phone lines and email support. This will allow you to reply to responses right away and interact with your customers in the way they prefer, which improves customer experience and bolsters brand performance.

Personalized Messaging

In the digital age, generic and impersonal marketing messages are not well received. In fact, this can actually hurt your brand performance. Targeted content creates loyal customers and if you are failing to collect relevant customer intelligence to better market to them, you could be driving business to your competitors. By investing in an analytics platform, you can gather and analyze customer data to ensure you are meeting their needs and expectations adequately.

Proactively Seek Feedback

Feedback is typically reactive, but companies that utilize that method are missing out on valuable customer information. Typically, unprompted customers will only leave feedback if they had an awful experience or an over the top great one. That leaves a whole group of customers untapped in regards to their feedback. With a digital analytics system, it is easy to gather customer feedback proactively and analyze it to assess how well your brand is meeting expectations. Plus, it is simple to do. Just add feedback forms to your website and make it easy for customers to reach out to customer service on your site to deliver feedback. By taking a proactive approach, you can identify trends and catch issues before they become widespread problems.

MyFieldAudits Can Help You Obtain and Analyze Customer Expectations and Preferences

The only way to know that your brand is meeting expectations is to ask customers. In the digital age, asking customers doesn’t mean requiring them to fill out surveys or participate in focus groups. With MyFieldAudits you can gather customer intelligence and easily analyze it. By comparing data to key metrics, you can assess performance and take necessary actions to address alarming issues. To learn more about how MyFieldAudits can help your brand improve performance, contact us today at