3 Misconceptions About Assisted Living Facilities That Affect Your Bottom Line
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We Know You Care About Your Residents
Taking care of those who need a little added help is at the core of your mission statements. We understand that. We also understand that running a facility is a huge job and things fall through the cracks. You have encountered or will encounter potential clients who really don’t have any idea what an assisted living facility entails. Those potential clients will come in with certain expectations. You want to make sure the facility they choose is yours. To do that, you will have to combat the misconceptions about assisted living facilities that are floating around. The following 3 misconceptions can only hurt your business:
1. Only people who are unwell are residents in assisted living facilities
Contrary to popular belief, assisted living facilities exist to keep residents healthy, active, and as independent as possible. There are always going to be medical issues but, as we know, the core strategy of the facilities is to care for people who need little to no extra medical attention. You need to make sure that you are keeping on top of the image you would like your facility to maintain. If not, you may find yourself with confused potential clients.
2. Assisted living facilities are the same thing as a health care provider
This misconception piggy backs off the first and creates a dangerous situation for you and your residents. If a resident happens to be one of the clients with a medical condition, it’s natural to expect the facility to provide care. The problem with providing care is that assisted living facilities don’t require medical personnel on staff. If you are accepting residents who require medical care beyond what you have provided in the past, you need to make sure to stay organized and regulation compliant. If you don’t, you may find yourself in a lawsuit accused of neglect.
3. Assisted living facilities are highly regulated
People tend to confuse assisted living centers with nursing homes. Nursing homes tend to get the bulk of their funding from federal programs. Therefore, they’re regulated at both the state and federal levels. Assisted living centers receive private funding and so only deal with state level regulations. Each state can impose its own restrictions and standards, which can lead to inadequate training and staffing. Ensuring that you are up to date on your state’s regulations. Preparation will lead to a boost in revenue as potential clients will trust your facility.
MyFieldAudits Can Help You Overcome Misconceptions
Ensuring quality care of your residents will boost your revenue stream. With MyFieldAudits’ standard health inspection forms, audits, and checklists you will have access to the exact standards expected of your facility. With real time access to your rules and regulations, you won’t have to worry about getting behind your resident care. These standardized forms are easy to use and easily completed, which means no overly complicated training to retain your good standards and avoid neglecting residents. To learn more about MyFieldAudits, contact us today at info@MyFieldAudits.com.